Where's Katie?

Diet Coke+Mentos=Human experiment: EXTREME GRAPHIC CONTENT
Good to Know!
I thought this only happened with GHB and Alcohol . . . .
Learn something new everyday!
Tweaker in white . . . is dancing with me, cheek to skull! Love the skin flap dangling below her right shoulder. Way to go girl, just like a good tweaker! No fat!
Flavor of Love VH1 Lie Detector Tests
Ok . . .
I love this show!
Bridgy looks so scholarly . . it goes to show,
A pair of glasses and a girl can be ANYTHING!
Just ask the QBD!
Snakes on a Plane
I have covered this in previoius blogs . . . but, it's just SO utterly ridiculous I thought it deserved a second look!
Yep, still idiotic!
Snakes on a plane . . .